الجمعة، 29 يوليو 2011

Nikon D5100 Shoots Own Commercial

In the war on video, Nikon has been dragging up the rear and it's been Canon that has charged the trenches. Rumor among the Nikon peeps that supposedly know, that won't last for long with futur cams out this year.

We shall see, of course.

But one thing that they certainly did right, is use a budget DSLR D5100 camera to shoot it's own commercial to show off the quality. With Ashton Kutcher, of course.

Despite the over all campy feel of the commercial, I do have to say it was done quite well as far as the camera is concerned. Of course they had a few "extras", like thousands of dollars in lights, all kinds of attachments, and the best editing software money can buy - sorry Apple but it was an Adobe product - but regardless, I was quite impressed with the over all production possibilities.

Keep in mind that this is a $800 body, and it is airing in full HD on prime time TV.

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